Fool biting a loaf (fol. 213r)
Initial 'D' encloses a scene of a fool biting a loaf. The other initial 'D' shows God looking down on sleeping men. Context: Psalter: Psalm 52...
Initial 'D' encloses a scene of a fool biting a loaf. The other initial 'D' shows God looking down on sleeping men. Context: Psalter: Psalm 52...
Initial 'U' encloses the scene of Judith beheading Holofernes with his own sword. The border includes a hybrid of a bird with an animal head wearing a...
Initial 'P' encloses the scene ofAhaziah falling from an upper chamber of his palace. A satyr-type monster catches him. Context: Kings IV...
Initial 'E' encloses the scene of Moses lying on his deathbed, with two mourners by his side. Context: Joshua...
Initial 'P' encloses a scene of St. Paul preaching. Context: Pauline Epistles: Epistle to the Romans...
Initial 'I' depicts St. James and another standing figure. Context: Epistle of James...
Initial 'E' encloses a scene of two figures in discussion, both with halos. The initial is decorated further with a dragon-like creature. Context: M...
Initial 'A' shows St. John the Evangelist preaching. Context: Apocalypse...
Initial 'P' depicts St. Paul teaching. The initial is further decorated with a man hanging from its descender. Context: Pauline Epistles: Epistle to...
Initial 'P' shows St. Paul holding a sword, the instrument of his martyrdom. The initial is further decorated with a satyr-like grotesque. The ornamen...