Birds and flowers (fol. 104r)
The border is decorated with pinks, strawberries, buttercups, heartsease, borage, pea flowers, mosquitos, a fly, a beetle, a butterfly, an owl, and ot...
The border is decorated with pinks, strawberries, buttercups, heartsease, borage, pea flowers, mosquitos, a fly, a beetle, a butterfly, an owl, and ot...
The border is decorated with yellow daisy-like flowers and curved acanthus leaves. 6-line foliate initial 'G'. Context: Prayers: De nauitate et paup...
The lower border is decorated with a stork, a partridge-like bird, a blue daisy (purple-stemmed aster), pinks (buds) and acanthus leaves. 6-line folia...
This full page miniature shows the Virgin Mary holding the Christ-Child between pillars within a classical arch. Above them God the Father is blessing...
The historiated initial shows King David, kneeling in prayer, clad in a cloak embroidered in gold and with a ermine fur collar. His harp lies on the g...
The border is decorated with roses, speedwells, strawberries, flies, a butterfly and a peacock. 6-line foliate initial. Context: Hours of the Virgin...
The miniature at the foot of the page shows a hunting scene: a man on horseback is accompanied by two dogs, while three deer are visible in the backgr...
The miniature at the foot of the page depicts two man pruning. The border includes a pea flower, thistles, strawberries and speedwells. Context: Cal...
St. Barbarais depicted holding a book and a palm branch, and standing in front of a tower. Context: Suffrages: Saint Barbara: Gaude barbara beata su...
The small miniature depicts God the Father blessing, wearing a crown and holding a small processional cross. Context: Prayers to the Holy Trinity: G...