Praying and reading (fol. 36v)
The historiated border includes an abbess reading, and an angel kneeling in prayer. Context: Litany...
The historiated border includes an abbess reading, and an angel kneeling in prayer. Context: Litany...
Initial 'V' encloses a scene of King Solomon, crowned, speaking to a prophet. The border has a bird and a head of a grotesque or an animal. Context:...
Initial 'D' encloses a scene of a fool biting a loaf. The other initial 'D' shows God looking down on sleeping men. Context: Psalter: Psalm 52...
Initial 'U' encloses the scene of Judith beheading Holofernes with his own sword. The border includes a hybrid of a bird with an animal head wearing a...
Initial 'P' encloses the scene ofAhaziah falling from an upper chamber of his palace. A satyr-type monster catches him. Context: Kings IV...
Initial 'E' encloses the scene of Moses lying on his deathbed, with two mourners by his side. Context: Joshua...
The roundel on the left shows the crowning of Hugh the Capet, king of France (49). The roundel on the right depicts Godfrey of Bouillon, the leader of...
The roundel shows St. Remigius of Rheims, wearing a bishop's mitre, baptizes Clovis, king of the Franks (41). Context: History of the world: Europea...
The roundel at top left depicts Judas Machabeus (30). The artist has user a generic warrior model, almost identical to that used for Joshua (15) and A...
The border is decorated with a wagtail, a butterfly, a beetle, strawberry flowers, a periwinkle, a speedwell, a pink, grapes, a water bird and curved ...