Virgin and Child (fol. 193r)
6-line initial in pink, gold, blue and green, with white penwork decoration, historiated with the Virgin Mary holding the Christ-Child. On the left, a...
6-line initial in pink, gold, blue and green, with white penwork decoration, historiated with the Virgin Mary holding the Christ-Child. On the left, a...
3-line initial in blue and gold, infilled with a pink leaf, and with white penwork decoration. On the left, a column border decorated with flowers, l...
4-line initial in pink, gold, blue and green, infilled with a blue flower, with white penwork decoration. Three-sided border of flowers, leaves and go...
The border is decorated with roses, pea flowers, columbines, heartsease, strawberries, thistles, pimpernels, birds and a grotesque with two human head...
The roundel miniature has the zodiacal sign of September, Libra (the balance), although it should have the sign for October, Scorpio (the scorpion). T...
The roundel miniature has the zodiacal sign of Leo (the lion). The border is decorated with flies, strawberries, columbines, heartsease, speedwells an...
St. Anthony, Abbot of Egypt, dressed in a blue robe, is shown holding a staff. Context: Suffrages: Saint Anthony: Anthoni pastor inclite...
St. James is shown with a book and a staff. Context: Suffrages: Saint James: O lux et decus yspanie...
The full-page miniature depicts the scene of the Nativity in the stable. The Virgin Mary, dressed in a blue gown and a cloak highlighted in gold, and ...
The full-page miniature shows St. Luke painting a portrait of the Virgin Mary, who stands in front of him. The ox, Luke's symbol, lies in the foregrou...