Grotesques and birds (fol. 16r)


The border is decorated with roses, pea flowers, columbines, heartsease, strawberries, thistles, pimpernels, birds and a grotesque with two human heads (female above, male below) and the hind legs of a lion (?). 5-line foliate initial. Context: Hours of the Holy Cross: Incipiunt hore sancte crucis: Domine labia mea aperies


Identifier s4kp9cjq
IRN 373176
Class Mark BC MS 9/26
Level Piece
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Medieval Manuscripts
Category Archive Manuscript
Parent Record [Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis]
Date [ca.1480-1500]

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