Medieval Manuscripts

Your query returned 758 results. Showing results 421 - 430

Dragon initial (fol. 62v)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

Large zoomorphic initial 'Q' where the descender is composed of a dragon clutching the body of the letter with its teeth. The body of the letter is in...

Nahum standing before Nineveh (fol. 377r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

Initial 'H' encloses the scene of the prophet Nahum, depicted with a halo, standing in front of the city of Nineveh, announcing its fall. Two ornament...

[Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis]

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Print

Decoration: 4 full-page arched miniatures within borders decorated with flowers, curled leaves, berries and putti. There are fine 3 to 4-line illumina...

A man and a monster (fol. 35r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The historiated border includes a man with a large hat and a tau cross, and a grotesque with the lower body of a three-legged lion and the upper body ...

King David (fol. 31r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The historiated initial includes King David in penitence, with his harp beside him on the ground. God appears to him in a cloud above. Context: Psal...

Solomon enthroned (fol. 284v)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

Initial 'D' encloses a scene of King Solomon enthroned, holding a fleur-de-lis. The border includes a hybrid of a bird with an animal head wearing a h...

Priest and clerics (fol. 228r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The first initial 'C' encloses two clerics singing, the second has a priest censing the altar. Context: Psalter: Psalm 97...

King David and the Judgement of Solomon (fol. 197r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

Initial 'B' encloses a scene of King David playing his harp. The other initial 'B' encloses the scene of the judgement of Solomon, in which Solomon co...

Cyrus points up to God (fol. 172r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

Initial 'I' encloses the scene of Cyrus, the King of Persia, pointing to God, who has a cruciform halo and holds a book. Context: Esdras I...

The beheading of Hophni or Phineas (fol. 99r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

Initial 'P' encloses the scene of the beheading of Hophni or Phineas. The border has a hybrid of a bird with an animal head. Context: Kings I...