Medieval Church, Uppland
View of a medieval wooden church at Uppland (Uppsala Lan, Sweden). Originally held in green slide cabinet, reference A60....
View of a medieval wooden church at Uppland (Uppsala Lan, Sweden). Originally held in green slide cabinet, reference A60....
Printed page from an unidentified survey of the English language, with responses to questions concerned with Middle English long o forms, based on the...
Experimental printed word map, completed in typescript, for SED question VI.7.13, Left-Handed, mapping responses Gallock-, Gawk(y)-, and Ballock-Hande...
[Side 1] Bob and William in conversation about different fish caught, incl. ray, cod, fluke and gurnard, discuss price of various fish, explain 'stock...
Yorkshire farm cart, marked as previously belonging to John Harper of Fryton (North Yorkshire). Mounted on Photo File card. Originally held in Photo...
Experimental printed phonological map of the Northern Counties, completed in ms., for SED question VII.5.6 (Five to) Eight, mapping the various vowel ...
Experimental printed word map of the Northern Counties, completed in ms., for SED question IV.1.1, Rivulet, mapping responses Burn, Beck and Brook. Th...
Detail of masonry at North Wassa Lathe, Wassa Hill, near Conistone ( Wharfedale). Mounted on Photo File card with LAVC/PHO/P0216. Originally held in...
Derelict wooden fishing boat, upturned and used as a hut for storing nets, spars, lines, etc., Holy Island (Northumberland). This hut has a foundation...
Stone-built High Hill Castles Lathe near Conistone ( Wharfedale). View from the side, showing unshuttered hay window. Roof partially collapsed. Mounte...