Stone Tombs
Four stone tombs beneath a yew tree in a churchyard at an unidentified location. The tops of the tombs appear to be made of slate....
Four stone tombs beneath a yew tree in a churchyard at an unidentified location. The tops of the tombs appear to be made of slate....
Room decorated for Christmas, at a dwelling house in Vänersborg (Alvsborgs Lan, Sweden). The decorations include a Christmas tree decorated with candl...
Words and phrases that answer the questions from the Survey of English Dialect relating to farming. The answers of informant H. Buckle recorded by f...
Includes index....
Harold Orton's ms. notes, written on 7" x 5" index cards numbered 1-14, for his lecture 'English Speech - Present Trends', given in Trondheimin August...
Notes section at the rear of the response book. Includes biographical information about the informants. Includes notes on the locality. Include...
Words and phrases that answer the questions from the Survey of English Dialect relating to farming. The answers of informant Robert Pearson recorded...
The file contains an ms. letter from Evelyn Briggs on a superstition associated with seeing pigs on the way to the [horse] races (16 October 1972); Ma...
An investigation of cider makers employing methods considered as within the West Country tradition of making, i.e. still sharing basic similarities wi...