Colleen Patterson Box 01
Photographs of the natural world, some sorted by Colleen herself: - envelope titled "Somerset and Wales" - 2 envelopes titled "Colleen's favourites"...
Photographs of the natural world, some sorted by Colleen herself: - envelope titled "Somerset and Wales" - 2 envelopes titled "Colleen's favourites"...
The national newspaper for lesbians and gay men 1988: (48) Nov* 1989: (69) Apr* 1991: (195) Oct; (205) Dec; 1993: (266) Feb 1994: (334) July; (3...
Papers 171-199 171. Women's Participation in the "People's Church": A Critical Appraisal by Sonia E. Alvarez 172. Zimbabwe: State, Class and Gende...
I wrote these diaries from the 1960s include my time at greenham,early women’s groups,then my daughters birth in the 1970s,living in communes,becoming...
Diaries; upcoming events book; answerphone message book...
Hardback diaries 1995-1993 Loose sheets of sketches July 1999...
T-Shirt- Jail Tony (PM Tony Blair) Handmade A4 poster The Sunday Times, June 3rd 2001 FOLDER 1 Sedgefield Election papers. Helen stood against To...
300 group Advice desk for abused women Audit commission BBC – raped BBC – VE&T Body Shop 1 in 5 campaign (content in boxes 3, 6, 11) Bradf...
Lian French Donation Books retained for FAN book collection: - Lesbianism and the Women’s Movement, eds. Nancy Myron, Charlotte Bunch, 1975 - Roles...