Irish Feminism and the Vote - an anthology of the Irish Citizen newspaper 1912-1920
Novels, history and humour...
Novels, history and humour...
1978: Socialist Feminist National Conference (Manchester, Jan 1978) (See also papers in Janet Parry Collection Box 4 and Stef Pixner Box 01) (Some pap...
Obituaries and associated papers relating to women in the Women's Liberation Movement: Abdullah, Sheila d. 2020 Ahern, Colette Bernadette d. 18/08/...
WOMEN into SCIENCE and ENGINEERING Department of Trade and Industry (Dti) – ~Disability ~Diversity ~First Destination of Graduates 1997-1999 ...
1985: (1) Mar; (2) Jul; (3) Nov; 1986: (4) Jul; (5) Nov...
Donated by Angela Hale...
WOMEN into SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (WISE) Small projects – Bright Star Career Development Training Case Studies project Connect Get SET Women ...
Journal of the National Abortion Campaign. Early issues are called the National Abortion Campaign Newsletter. 1977: May*; July?*; Sept* 1978?: sp...
in Novels, history and humour...