Merseyside Women's Paper
A women's liberation magazine Issues Spring, Autumn 1980; Spring, Summer 1981; in News From Nowhere 1977: (2) Mar; (3) Apr; (8) Oct 1979: Spring; J...
A women's liberation magazine Issues Spring, Autumn 1980; Spring, Summer 1981; in News From Nowhere 1977: (2) Mar; (3) Apr; (8) Oct 1979: Spring; J...
WOMEN into SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (WISE) CEO Charter - certificates...
This collection contains various publications and documents from Leeds Women's City Council Women's Committee....
2006: Andrea Dworkin Commemorative Conference (Oxford, April 2006) 2006: Women's Mental Health: "Into the Mainstream" (Manchester, May 2006) 2006:...
Two posters: - Greenham Women Against Cruise November 1983 - International Day to End Violence Against Women November 1991...
WOMEN into SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (WISE) Annual Conferences (incl. admin) + pen...
- LGRWP [Lesbian and Gay Rights Working Party] 1987 - Learning materials and personal notes/planning for conferences, workshops, lessons for gay and ...
1998: 1st (Women Against Violence Europe) WAVE Conference Women of Achievement Awards World conference on family violence (Vienna, January, 1998) ...
WOMEN into SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (WISE) Korea – UK – Korea WISE Forum...
Donated by Angela Hale...