Lena Milosovich and Jane Stageman Box 01


- LGRWP [Lesbian and Gay Rights Working Party] 1987 - Learning materials and personal notes/planning for conferences, workshops, lessons for gay and lesbian rights - Teachers and Clause 27 (renames 28) - NUT May 1988 Leicester - National Conference of Lesbians and Gays in Education June1986; November 1986; May 1988 - NALGO Beyond the Clause 1988 flyer - LCLGR fringe meeting - Outlaws in the Classroom - Lesbians and Gays in the School System 1987; related material for pamphlet produced by LGRWP 1987 - Challenging heterosexism in the workplace - Training pack - Police response to Lesbians and Gays - Policing London May/June vol.4 1987 - AIDS education seminar Feb. 1987 - Equal Job Opportunities training materials for girls and women - Lesbians with Disabilities flyer - Read what we have to say for ourselves Also in this donation but moved to journals and restricted (women only) - Lesbian Archive and Information Centre Newsletter no.2 1988 - Diversion, Nottingham and East Midlands lesbian magazine issue 5


Identifier gyk1q6st
IRN 480496
Class Mark FAN/LMJS/01
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/gyk1q6st
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Lena Milosevic & Jane Stageman Collection
Size and Medium 1 box

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