Cookery Collection
Your query returned 9917 results. Showing results 9591 - 9600
The universal cook, and city and country housekeeper : containing all the various branches of cookery... Together with directions for baking bread, the management of poultry and the dairy, and the kitchen and fruit garden; with a catalogue of the various articles in season in the different months of the year. Besides a variety of useful and interesting tables
Also attributed to Richard Johnson. Frontispiece dated 1792....
Industrial catering and canteen management
Includes index....
The whole body of cookery dissected, taught, and fully manifested, methodically, artificially, and according to the best tradition of the English, French, Italian, Dutch, &c. Or, a sympathy of all varieties in natural compounds in that mystery. Wherein is contained certain bills of fare for the seasons of the year, for feasts and common diets
"Books printed for Eliz. Calvert": p.[8] at end. Dedication signed: Will. Rabisha....
The art of cookery made plain and easy
"A facsimile of the first edition [1747], supplemented by the recipes which the author added up to the fifth edition and furnished with a preface, a g...
Eggs & cheese
Includes a general index/glossary and a recipe index....