Cookery Collection
Your query returned 9917 results. Showing results 9001 - 9010
A new system of domestic cookery : formed upon principles of economy and adapted to the use of private families
Attributed to Maria Rundell, cf. Bitting. Gastronomic bib. Includes index....
Le nouveau jardinier françois : qui enseigne à cultiver les arbres & les herbes potageres. Ensemble la maniere de faire toutes soerts de confitures, conserves & massepains. Dedié aux dames... Rev̂, corrigé & augmenté de nouveau d'un petit traité, qui enseigne la maniere de cultiver les abeilles
Epistre aux dames typesigned at end : R.D.C.VV.B.D.N. (being, in reverse order, the initials for: Nicolas de Bonnefons, valet du chambre du roi)....
Liber cure cocorum
[Hazlitt tracts, v. 4, no. 5]. A curious poem on cookery "now first printed from a transcript of the Sloane ms. 1986, where it occurs as an appendix...
L'art de la cuisine française au dix-neuviême siêcle : traité élémentaire et pratique
Each vol. has added t.p. engr. Vols. 4 and 5 have title: Traité des entrées chaudes, des rots en gras et en maigre, des entremets de légumes, entrem...
The true preserver and restorer of health : being a choice collection of select and experienced remedies for all distempers incident to men, women and children. Selected from, and experienced by the most famous physicians and chyrurgions of Europe. Together with Excellent directions for cookery; as also for preserving, and conserving, and making all sorts of metheglin, sider, cherry-wine, &c., with the description of an ingenious and useful engin for dressing of meat, and for distilling the choicest cordial waters without wood, coals, candle, or oyl
The second part (80 p., 3d group) has special t.p.: Excellent directions for cookery... London 1682. Published in 1683? under title: Hartman's curio...
The cook and housewife's manual : a practical system of modern demestic cookery and family management; containing a compendium of French cookery, and of fashionable confectionary, preparations for invalids and convalescents, a selection of cheap dishes, and numerous useful miscellaneous receipts in the various branches of domestic economy
Margaret Dods is a pseudonym for C.I. Johnstone....
Dictionarium rusticum, urbanicum & botanicum, or, A dictionary of husbandry, gardening, trade, commerce, and all sorts of country-affairs... [etc.]
By John Worlidge; formerly attributed to Nathan Bailey. Cf. BLC. References: Goldsmiths' Lib. cat : 5341....