Mrs. Beeton's cake-making : including buns, biscuits and other dainties
Cake-making. Includes index....
Cake-making. Includes index....
Part II has special t.p.: A collection of receipts in cookery, physick, and surgery... The third edition. London : Printed for Richard Wilkin ..., 172...
Originally published by André Deutsch, 1953....
First published 1817, with the title: Apicius redivivus, or the cook's oracle....
Edited by Jacobus Bedrotus. Errata: leaves f2r-f3r. Pagination slightly irregular; page 337 misnumbered 333. Text in Greek; editorial matter in ...
Cover title. "Details of temporary ration changes, etc., are not given in the list."--Cover. "3rd January, 1949."--Cover "This retail price list...