Teaching nutrition and food science
Includes index. Bibliography: pages 166-169....
Includes index. Bibliography: pages 166-169....
Includes bibliographical references and index....
Compiled by Peter Brears. Catalogue of the collection of kitchen equipment in the Castle Museum, York....
Also known as:Recipe book Sources of recipes include: Mrs Page of Streatham and Sheen (ff.6r, 7v, 12r, 15r, and 17v); Mrs Brooksbank of Yorkshire and...
Contents: Sect. 1. Sauces -- Sect. 2. Fish -- Sect. 3. Vegetables -- Sect. 4. Cereals -- Sect. 5. Fruit -- Sect. 6. Birds and their eggs -- Sect. 7. M...
Contents: Sect. 1. Sauces -- Sect. 2. Fish -- Sect. 3. Vegetables -- Sect. 4. Cereals -- Sect. 5. Fruit -- Sect. 6. Birds and their eggs -- Sect. 7. M...