prow left, tripod on forecastle...
prow left, tripod on forecastle...
IVLIA MAMAEA AVGVSTA: Bust of Julia Mamaea, diademed, draped, right...
Juno, head facing right, wearing diadem and veil and with sceptre over shoulder; behind, DOS downwards. Border of dots....
Diana, draped bust facing right, with bow and quiver over shoulder; before; S·C upwards...
Hercules, head facing right; behind, vertical row of three pellets...
Dodecahedral shape. Bust of Julius Kambarage Nyerere, facing left, above TANZANIA 1975 Sail fish (Istiophorus patypterus) jumping to the left, with 5...
Dodecahedral shape. Bust of George VI, facing right, with legend GEORGIVS VI D: G: REX ET IND: IMP: Capital V in centre, upon which a flaming torch i...
Hexagonal coin. Head of Farouk I of Egypt, facing left, with Arabic inscription that reads Farouk I | King of Egypt Inscription within wreath of pharo...
Eight-spoked wheel surrounded by Tibetan characters within the petals of an eight-petalled lotus. Ornate lotus design surrounded by the Buddhist Eight...
Crowned shield of arms, with lions and castles with, flanked by MF and 8; legend reads CAROLVS.III.D.G.HISPAN.ET IND.REX (Carlos III by the grace of G...