General Administration


This sub-subseries contains documents relating both to general University administration, and to Harold Orton's day-to-day co-ordination of the Survey of English Dialects (SED). This includes receipts, invoices and expenses claims generated by fieldworkers and sent to Orton, who in turn forwarded them to the University Bursar for processing. Further items relate to the appointment and financial support of SED Editorial Assistants, and Orton's dialogue with the University of Leeds regarding financial support for the publication of the Survey. In the period covered by this sub-sub-series, Orton was in correspondence with Bursar E. J. Brown, his successor Edmund Williamson, and the Registrar, J. V. Loach.


Identifier q2fm9jrz
IRN 409574
Class Mark LAVC/SED/1/1/4
Level Sub-sub-series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Correspondence
Creator(s) Orton, Harold
Date 1948-1968
Size and Medium 5 files in 1 box [part]., 0.41 linear metres.
System of Arrangement Files within the sub-subseries are arranged in a broadly chronological and alphabetical order, the latter by personal/corporate name, or by subject. Individual letters within each file are arranged chronologically.

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