Jalna Hanmer National Women's Aid Federation
Jalna Hanmer. National Women’s Aid Federation. (Info from Women’s Groups and Campaigns) 01. National Women’s Aid federation info/herstory/reports 02. Chiswick Women’s Aid (Including letters from Erin Pizzey and Jo Sutton re split with NWAF) 03. Finance Group Minutes 04. Pamphlets 05. Info on books films plays 06. Info from various local women’s Aids 07. National Women’s Aid Federation: papers describing/analysing Women’s Aid in 1970s (working class. Lesbians) 08. Violence in Marriage: circular from Dept of Environment to all Local Authorities recommendations from Select Committee on Violence in Marriage 1975 Key words Violence Against Women, Government, Women’s Campaigns, Women’s Liberation Movement, Working Class, Lesbians,
Identifier | rxttmk6g |
IRN | 750178 |
Class Mark | FAN/JH/WA/WAFE/13 |
Level | Series |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/rxttmk6g |
Collection(s) | Feminist Archive North |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Women's Aid Federation England (previously National Women's Aid Federation) |
Date | !975 - 1979 |