Notice Board Items


This collection of paper notices, posters, leaflets and one photograph, originally mounted on a notice board in the Institute of Dialect and Folk Life Studies, were gathered into one file marked Catalogue of Theses (1st Supplement) 1971-1975, probably around the time of the Institute's closure in 1983. All are folklore/folk life related, and include information on societies (the Folklore Society, Society for Folk Life Studies and the Folklore of Ireland Society), graduate programmes, museums and newsletters. The one photograph shows Enoch Mvula(Institute MA student, 1978), greeting Kenneth Jackson at the Seventh Conference of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, held in Edinburgh in August 1979.


Identifier rj6bd8yj
IRN 410922
Class Mark LAVC/ARC/5/1
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Other Institute Display Items
Date [1970-1979]
Size and Medium 1 file of printed ephemera.

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