King David (fol. 111r)


The miniature shows King David playing a psaltery in a rocky landscape, with a city visible behind. The full border is decorated with flowers, a large vase, and a cherub playing a lute. The incipit word 'Domine' is painted in gold and colours, the initial 'D' infilled with a blue flower. Context: Penitential psalms: Psalm 6: Domine ne in furore tuo arguas


Identifier qy9fvhcm
IRN 373211
Class Mark BC MS 10/16
Level Piece
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Medieval Manuscripts
Category Archive Manuscript
Parent Record [Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis]
Date [ca. 1480-1500]

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