Non CROP publications


(a) National Plan for Safeguarding Children Children from Commercial Sexual Exploitation - Home Office September 2001. (b) Safeguarding Children Involved in Prostitution - Department of Health , May 2000. (c) Protecting the public from sex crime: an explanation of the Sexual Offenses Act 2003 - Home Office, April 2004. (d) Safety on the Street:information for sex workers: The Suzy Lamplugh Trust, 2004. (e) Chaste: Churches Alert to sex trafficking across Europe: leaflet with prayer, 2006. (f) Rare: Policy for Prosecuting for cases of rape - Crown Prosecution Service, undated. (g) Sheffield Women's Forum: Annual report April 2003-March 2004. (h) Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation - Staffordshire Police , undated. (i) Multi Agency Strategy for Domestic Abuse 2004-07 - Sheffield Strategic Planning Group for Domestic Abuse. (j) World Health Organisation Ethical Safety recommendations for interviewing Trafficked Women - WHO, 2003. (k) Stolen smiles:a summary report on the physical and psychological health consequences of women and adolescents trafficked in Europe - Daphne Project /London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 2006. (l) Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation: working with the victim first response module - Central Police Training and Development Authority, 2006. (m) Tackling Human trafficking:summary of responses to the consultation on proposals for a UK action plan - Home Office, June 2006. (n) national Vice Conference Programme - Chair Deputy Chief Constable Gloucestershire Constabulary, June 1998. (o) National Police Vice Directory, June 1998. (p) Children and Violence :making non violence cool - Forum on Children and Violence, Autumn 1998. (q) Manushi: a journal about women and society, 1981. (a bi monthly publication in Hindi and English - DEHLI). (r) Sexual exploitation, drug use and drug dealing:the current situation in South Yorkshire _ South Yorkshire Police and Partnerships, August 2003. (s) Evaluating the health implications of child sexual exploitation on parents - University of Worcester, April 2006. (t) Tackling Street prostitution: towards an holistic approach - Home Office, July 2004. (u) Rape, Society and State - People's Union for civil liberties and democratic rights , DELHI, undated. (v) BLAST project: working with boys and men to tackle sexual exploitation -publicity leaflet, undated. (w) Annual research Report, Institute of applied social research, University of Bedfordshire, 2011-2012. (x) A coordinated prostitution strategy and a summary of responses to 'Paying the Price' - Home Office, January 2006. (y) Women and the Criminal Justice System - Fawcett Society, March 2004. (z) Research into Gang-associated sexual exploitation and sexual violence; interim report - Children's Commissioner/University of Bedfordshire, November 2012. (a1) What works in parenting support? A review of the internal evidence- Home Office, 2004. (b1) Domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking:findings from the British Crime Survey - Home Office , March 2004. (c1) Solutions and strategies:drug problems and street sex markets, guidance for partnerships and providers - Home Office, 2004. (d1) For love or money:pimps and the management of sex work. Home Office , November 2000. (e1) Josephine Butler Society Library : a guide for researchers, 1997.


Identifier qf7r2cvw
IRN 614265
Class Mark FAN/CROP/11
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Coalition for the Removal of Pimping
Date 1981-2012
Size and Medium 1 box

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