Legends About People
This file contains items on legends relating to people, both legendary characters and real people. This includes photocopies of ms. papers by Trevor Lloyd Weedon on the Fianna Finn and the legend of Finn MacCool, and the legend of Diarmuid and Grainne (both undated); Angus MacNaghten's article, 'In Search of the Mistletoe Legend', on the story behind Thomas Haynes Bayly's song 'The Mistletoe Bough', extracted from 'Country Life'(2 December 1971), p. 1509; Maurice Colbeck's article on the Robin Hood legend, forming Part Six of his 'Legendary Yorkshire' series, extracted from 'Yorkshire Life' (February 1967), pp. 44-45; Margaret Ottley's article on the highwayman John Nevison, extracted from 'The Ridings' magazine (February-March 1965), pp. 31-32; Maurice Colbeck's article on Eugene Aramof Knaresborough, forming Part One of his 'Legendary Yorkshire' series, extracted from 'Yorkshire Life' (September 1966), pp. 36-39; a cutting from the 'Yorkshire Post' on St. Robert's Cave, Knaresborough, and its use by Eugene Aram (December 1974); a photocopy of Peter Davenport's article from the 'Daily Mail' (24 October 1979) on Jack the Ripper, supplied by the University of Leeds Press Cuttings Service; a photocopy of Norman Simms's article on Nero and Jack Straw in Chaucer's 'Nun's Priest's Tale', from 'Parergon', number 8 (April 1974), pp. 2-12; and mounted magazine cuttings from 'John Peel Jottings', 'Country Life' and the 'Daily Telegraph', on the fool of Muncaster Castle (Cumbria), the Mistletoe Bough legend, left-handedness amongst the Kerr family of the Scottish Borders (accompanied by an ms. Scottish rhyme about the Kerrs collected from the 'Daily Mirror', 4 January 1972), the legend of Sir Perceval Cressacre being attacked by a wild cat, the Pied Piper of Hamlin and the highwayman Robert Snooks. File contents retained in original classification order, and chronologically within this.
Identifier | p7xqb1s5 |
IRN | 410725 |
Class Mark | LAVC/FLF/12/3 |
Level | File |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/p7xqb1s5 |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | K: Historical Tradition (Legend) |
Date | 1963-1979 |
Size and Medium | 1 file of photocopied papers, magazine extracts, a newspaper cutting (unmounted) and mounted magazine and newspaper cuttings. |