Women in International Development Box 02


Papers 200-234 200. Face To Face: Roles for Bengali Women in Love and Family by Judith Walsh 201. Women's Co-operatives - A Vehicle for Development by Poonam Smith-Sreen 202. Female Interstate Succession to Land in Rural Tanzania - Whither Equality? by Zebron Steven Gondwe 203. Sometimes Available by Not Always What the Patient Needs: Gendered Health Policy in Bangladesh by Shelley Feldman 204. From Welfare to Empowerment: The Situation of Women in Development in Africa, A Post UN Women's Decade Update and Future Directions by Sara H. Longwe 205. The Dynamics of Female Entrepreneurship in Indigenous Food Markets: A Case Study of Techiman, Ghana by Stephen Ameyaw 206. "To Guarantee the Implementation of Women's Emancipation as Defined by the Frelimo Party": The Women's Organization in Mozambique by Kathleen Sheldon 207. Land Reform and Women's Work in a Kerala Village by Barbara H. Chasin 208. The Role of Appropriate Technology in Reducing Women's Workload in Agricultural Activities in Tanzania by Rosebud V. Kurwijila 209. Sundari: The Paradigm of Sikh Ethics by Nikky Singh 210. Development, Gender Inequality and Fertility in Iran by Akbar Aghajanian 211. Variations in Reproductive Goals Among Indonesian Spouses by Linda B. Williams 212. Women, Rural Information Delivery and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa by H. Leslie Steeves 213. The Reproduction of Gender Inequality in Muslim Societies: A Case Study of Iran in the 1980s by Valentine M. Moghadam 214. Women Factory Workers in Less Developed Countries: An Annotated Bibliography by Susan Joel 215. Nuer Women in Southern Sudan: Health, Reproduction and Work by Ellen Gruenbaum 216. Zapotec Gender Politics: Gender and Class in the Political Participation of Indigenous Mexican Peasant Women by Lynn Stephen 217. Class and Gender: Social Uses of Space in Urban Senegal by Deborah Heath 218. Women, Ideology and Language in the Ecuadorian Print Media by Mariana Landazuri 219. In and Against Development: Feminists Confront Development On Its Own Ground by Adele Mueller 220. Economic Factors of High Fertility in Traditional Households by Helena Chojnacka 221. Nigerian Women's Participation in National Politics: Legitimacy and Stability in an Era of Transition by Kamene Okonjo 222. Political Economy and Household: Vulnerabilities of Women Informal Sector Workers in Bombay by Jana Everett and Mira Savara 223. Women and Revolution in Viet Nam by Mary Ann Tetreault 224. The Impact of Extruded Corn-Soya Blends on Rural Njombe Women's Time and Welfare: A Model for Pre-Project Marketing Analyses by Diana Fuguitt 225. Sex Selection: Implications for Females in the Third World by Elizabeth Moen 226. Development and the "Doubly Disadvantaged": Gender Inequality in the Scheduled Castes and Tribes of India by Dana Dunn and Murray A. Straus 227. Missionaries of "Liberation"? Gender Complementarity in Colombian Pentecostal Leadership by Elizabeth E. Brusco 228. Education and Gender Inequality in Papua New Guinea by Patricia Lyons Johnson 229. Women's Employment in the Middle East and North Africa: The Role of Gender, Class and State Politics by Valentine M. Moghadam 230. Women and Revolution in China: The Sources of Constraints on Women's Emancipation by Kyung Ae Park 231. Women and Social Change in South and North Korea: Marxist and Liberal Perspectives by Kyung Ae Park 232. The Rural-Urban Difference in Contraceptive Use in Pakistan: The Effects of Women's Literacy and Desired Fertility by Kalida P. Zaki and Nan E. Johnson 233. Some Myths Concerning the Demographic Status of Girls by Neera Kuckreja Sohoni 234. The Flowers of Spring Garden: A Study of Primary Health Care in Brazil Using Rapid Assessment Procedures by Clarice Novaes da Mota


Identifier nzgf61pj
IRN 631998
Class Mark FAN/WID/02
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link http://prototype1.library.leeds.ac.uk/nzgf61pj
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Women in International Development
Date 1990 - 1992
Size and Medium 1 box

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