Peace Box 02


FOLDER 1 1. Prison Guide (handwritten) (non violent Direct Action) 2. Peace Prison Support newsletters issues 1,2, 3,5,15,17,18,19 3. The Bradford Peace Museum 4. Otley Peace Group Grassington & District Peace group 1994-1995 Otley Green Fair 1997 5. Booklet. Dora Russell and the Women's Caravan of Peace. 1995 6. Newsletter. Abolish War. No.3 Summer 2005 FOLDER 2 Women on the Road to Peace 1994 FOLDER 3 1. Grandmothers for Peace 1998-2001 2. John Bugg obituary 3. Musicians Against Nuclear Arms (MANA) 2003-2009 4. Houseman’s Bookshop leaflets FOLDER 4 Citizens For Peace bulletins 1996-2000 Key Words: Women's Campaigns, Peace


Identifier n4g8c6fk
IRN 774211
Class Mark FAN/HJ/PEACE/02
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Peace
Date 1994 - 2009
Size and Medium 1 box

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