Book IX: States, Actions, Relations [Easingwold Response Book]


Words and phrases that answer the questions from the Survey of English Dialect relating to states, actions and relations. The answers of informant John George Passman recorded by fieldworker Peter Wright in the International Phonetic Alphabet. Note that in the index and captioning this chapter is referred to as 'book X'. However, with research, it has been confirmed this must be an error as it represents the answers to book IX.


Identifier kbsty1dj
IRN 701395
Class Mark LAVC/SED/2/2/6/16/9
Level Piece
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Easingwold Response Book - 6Y16
Creator(s) Wright, Peter
Date 8 Feb 1951 - 15 Feb 1951
Size and Medium 1 chapter

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