Folklife Surveys


This series contains national, regional and local surveys of folklore and folklife undertaken in Europe and North America through universities and government-funded Commissions. It provides examples of subject-specific questionnaires used in gathering information, and published findings in the form of folklore/folklife atlases.


Identifier hd8ntlsg
IRN 410482
Class Mark LAVC/SUR/2
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Non-Institute Surveys
Date 1955-1979
Size and Medium 54 files of ms. and printed items. 4 boxes., 1.64 linear metres.
System of Arrangement This series has been arranged in the following subseries: - Swedish Folklife Surveys - Other Folklife Surveys

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