Photographic Negatives
The photographic negatives held by the Institute of Dialect and Folk Life Studies (IDFLS) comprise 620 individual negatives and sets of negatives. The collection consists of a variety of formats, including 248 glass negatives (16 x 12 cm, and 10.7 x 8 cm); 327 sets of strips, rolls, and individual cells of 35 mm, 46 mm, and 120 film; and 45 microfiche negatives. The majority of the glass negatives contain images of experimental word maps predominantly based on the Survey of English Dialects (SED); pages produced during the editing of the SED for publication; pages from the published SED volumes including the Questionnaire; and dialect area maps and maps relating to the historical development of the English language. The 35 mm negatives include 126 rolls, sets, and individual strips of film deposited with the Folk Life Survey by Werner Kissling during his employment as a photographic fieldworker (see biography attached to LAVC/PHO/P). The remainder of the 35 mm negatives, the 46 mm and 120 negatives, and the microfiche negatives, contain photographic images created by IDFLS staff, including Stewart Sanderson, Wille Brunk and Ingemar Liman. Further photographs were taken during a 1971 field survey of vernacular architecture in Conistone (North Yorkshire), and visit to F. Walkley's clog factory in Huddersfield, both organised for students on a Museums Association course. This series also includes copies of photographs of East Yorkshire agricultural workers from the late-19th and early-20th century, collected by Stephen Caunce; and images produced by IDFLS students Jonathan Stringfellow, Richard Langhorne, Margaret Brooks, Peter Nalder, Elizabeth Denny, Elizabeth Hawley, Gillian Slinn, Michael Aston, A. R. Brooks, K. S. Gallon, Jean Latham, Rachel Holt, Gillian Beels and Valerie Calvert, for inclusion in theses and dissertations. The microfiche negatives include a series of plates copied from George Walker's 'The Costume of Yorkshire' (1814) for inclusion in Richard Langhorne's thesis; and images of experimental word maps based on the SED, and pages produced during the editing of the SED. There is also a roll of unprocessed 35 mm film, LAVC/PHO/PN447.
Identifier | gvk6w9wf |
IRN | 414045 |
Class Mark | LAVC/PHO/PN |
Level | Series |
Type of Record | Archives - ISAD(G) |
Peristent Link | |
Collection(s) | Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture |
Category | Archive |
Parent Record | Photographic Collections |
Creator(s) | Orton, Harold, Kissling, Werner |
Date | [1960s-1970s] |
Size and Medium | 620 glass and film negatives in archival envelopes, and in negative preservers contained in 18 files., 14 boxes., 1 linear metre. |
System of Arrangement | The negatives are largely arranged as they were found, with glass negatives listed first, followed by 35mm, 46mm, and 120 film, and microfiche negatives. Sets of glass negatives have been stored together where possible. |