

This file contains items relating to museums and related institutions, including Bryce Nelson's article on S. Dillon Ripley's plans for recreating a slum at the Smithsonian Institution, extracted from 'Science', volume 154 (2 December 1966), pp. 1152-1154; a collaborative article by Sidney R. Galler, James A. Oliver, H. Radclyffe Roberts, Herbert Friedmann and Donald F. Squires on the modern role of museums, extracted from 'Science', volume 161 (9 August 1968), pp. 548-551; Pauline Flick's article on the doll collection at Penrhyn Castle, extracted from 'Country Life' (24 July 1969), pp. 214-215; Roy Christian's article on the restoration of Abbeydale Forge and the opening of the Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet in Sheffield, extracted from 'Country Life' (30 April 1970), pp. 996-997; Douglas Dickins's article on the Swan Hill Folk Museum, Victoria, Australia, extracted from 'Country Life'(7 December 1972), pp. 1605-1607; John Cornforth's articles on Coalbrookdale and the Ironbridge Gorge Museum, extracted from 'Country Life' (29 March 1973), pp. 830-832, and (5 April 1973), pp. 917-920; a pamphlet on proposals for restoring Forge Mill, Redditch, and opening it as an industrial museum (undated); and a typed paper by Folke Hedblom on the work of the Institute for Dialect and Folklore Research (Dialekt- och folkminnesarkivet) at Uppsala, Sweden, 1914-1970 (1970), 19 leaves. File contents retained in original classification order, and chronologically within this.


Identifier gjdyb4ry
IRN 410656
Class Mark LAVC/FLF/5/7/3
Level File
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Educational System
Date 1966-1973
Size and Medium 1 file of typed papers, magazine extracts and a leaflet.

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