Audio Visual Box 03: VHS videos


Video: Faslane 365: Protesting Trident Missiles in Scotland 2007 Video: Women’s Peace Camp 20/4/95 Video: Depleted Uranium. Iraq and Kosova Video: America Under Siege. Spy Cameras Documentary Global Surveillance. Video: Foreign Bodies by Carole Klein 2002 Video: Nowhere to Hide, Iraq by Romsey Clarke 1991 Video: A compilation of films on depleted uranium 17 segments Video: When the Wind Blows with John Mills 1986 Depleted Uranium with Trevor MacDonald Video: Dispatches Channel 4 Video: From Radioactive Mines to Radioactive Weapons. USA Documentary Video: BBC Look North report with Betty Brown, Helen John (in frame) and Ann Lee 1998 The report about the last days of the Menwith Hill Women's Peace Camp Video: Final episode of “The Skulls Bridle” BBC Drama Video: Geoff Hoon, Secretary of State for Defence, Interview with JJonathan Dimbleby. Filmed in Leeds 9/11/2003 Video: Italian documentary. Please note these have not been digitised so are not available to watch.


Identifier g6t3j6ym
IRN 774235
Class Mark FAN/HJ/AV/03
Level Series
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Feminist Archive North
Category Archive
Parent Record Audio Visual
Date 1986 - 2007
Size and Medium 1 box

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