Stills from The Clogger


Stills from Sam Hanna's film, 'The Clogger'. Includes title; credits; images of a clogger in his workshop shaping wooden soles, cutting leather using a template, and finishing uppers; images of a completed child's clog and a pair of adult's clogs; and distribution credits. The film itself is one of a series of films made by Sam Hanna from the late 1920s onwards, recording English traditional crafts. It was distributed by Brun Educational Films Ltd.


Identifier cq8krdjz
IRN 414949
Class Mark LAVC/FIL/F004
Level Item
Type of Record Archives - ISAD(G)
Peristent Link
Collection(s) Leeds Archive of Vernacular Culture
Category Archive
Parent Record Film
Creator(s) Hanna, Sam
Date [1960s]
Size and Medium 1 roll, Duration: not known.

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