Medieval Manuscripts

Your query returned 758 results. Showing results 691 - 700

Birds and flowers (fol. 77r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The border is decorated with birds, a fly, strawberries, speedwells, thistles, columbines and acanthus leaves. 6-line foliate initial. Context: Hour...

Grotesques and birds (fol. 35r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The border is decorated with roses, strawberries, thistles, speedwells, pinks, heartsease, columbines, pea flowers, flies, a bluebird, a peacock and a...

Calendar: April (fol. 4v)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The miniature at the foot of the page depicts a courting scene, in which a man with two servants (?) brings flowers for the lady shown through a house...

Calendar: January (fol. 1v)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

In the miniature at the foot of the page a man is warming his feet by the fire, while a woman brings him a plate of food. The border includes strawber...

Virgin and Child (fol. 112v)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The Virgin Mary is shown enthroned, holding the Christ Child, surrounded by three angels. The border is formed from architectural pillars supporting t...

Three Living and Three Dead (fol. 85r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The full-page miniature shows three kings on horseback confronted by three corpses, a 'memento mori' subject sometimes known as the Three Living and t...

Presentation in the Temple (fol. 58r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The full-page miniature shows the High Priest, Simeon, holding the Christ Child in white cloth at the altar of the Temple. The Virgin Mary, Joseph and...

Calendar: March (fol. 3r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The main miniature shows two men pruning plants, and the border miniature has the zodiacal sign for March: Aries (the ram). Context: Calendar: March...

The resurrection of souls (fol. 170r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

St. Michael the Archangel receives souls after the general resurrection to take into Heaven, where God, clad in a red papal triple tiara and cloak, ho...

Decoratied initial 'D' (fol. 143r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

An initial 'D' composed of curled light brown acanthus leaves on a pink ground. Context: Prayers: Een seer deuote meditacie end oefeninge: Dat eerst...