St. Andrew (fol. 79r)
Initial 'A' inhabited with St. Andrew, with a book and an X-shaped cross, the instrument of his martyrdom. Context: Suffrages: Saint Andrew: Andreas...
Initial 'A' inhabited with St. Andrew, with a book and an X-shaped cross, the instrument of his martyrdom. Context: Suffrages: Saint Andrew: Andreas...
St. Margaret depicted escaping from the stomach of the dragon with a cross, while God looks upon her from a cloud above. Context: Suffrages: Saint M...
St. George on horseback killing the dragon with his lance. Behind him the princess, and the king and the queen in the castle, look on in adoration. ...
St Anna and St Joachim are seen embracing at the Golden Gate, after an angel had appeared to St Anna announcing she was to give birth to the Virgin Ma...
The miniature depicts St Anne, seated in bed under a pink and green canopy, holding the Virgin Mary (who is crowned), wrapped in white swaddling cloth...
Christ is seated at the table with four apostles. A chalice with wine and the eucharist sits on the table, along with three loaves of bread. One of th...
Christ is brought before Pontius Pilate, the governor of Judaea, to be condemned to crucifixion. Context: Breviary offices: Friday in Holy Week: Ads...
The miniature depicts the scene of the Nativity in the stable. The Virgin Mary is dressed in a blue gown and a cloak decorated in gold, her arms cros...
The miniature depicts Angel Gabriel announcing the birth of Christ to the Virgin Mary. Gabriel holds a scroll with the words "Ave maria gracia plena"....
15th-century table of contents inside the front cover. Written in German cursive book script. Principal contents: manual for Franciscan friars wit...