Medieval Manuscripts

Your query returned 758 results. Showing results 571 - 580

Flight to Egypt (fol. 60v)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The full-page miniature shows the Virgin Mary, Joseph and the Christ Child on their way to Egypt through a hilly landscape, Mary riding on an ass. The...

Calendar: April (fol. 4r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

A woman, holding a wreath, is approached by a man bringing her flowers. The border miniature shows the zodiacal sign for April: Taurus (the bull). C...

Praying woman (fol. 190r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The 3-line foliate initial 'O' is inhabited with a young woman in prayer, clad in a blue dress with a gold belt and a white head-dress. Context: Suf...

The Last Judgement (fol. 148v)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The full-page miniature depicts the scene of the Last Judgement. Christ is depicted blessing, with sword and lily, inside a mandorla, feet resting on ...

St. John the Baptist (fol. 133r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The border shows St. John the Baptist, clad in animal skin and a long pink garment, holding a book a,nd with a lamb, Agnus Dei, inside the 4-line init...

Flight into Egypt (fol. 116r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The border and the initial depict the scene of the Virgin Mary, Joseph and the Christ Child on their way to Egypt through a hilly landscape, Mary ridi...

St. Jude (fol. 471v)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

Initial 'I' encloses a scene of St. Jude holding a scroll and preaching. An ornamental initial 'R' is infilled with foliage and a small animal head. ...

Apostle preaching (fol. 453r)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

Initial 'P' encloses the scene of a nimbed figure (Christ?) talking to a group of listeners. The initial is further decorated with a small grotesque h...

Two figures discussing (fol. 386v)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

Initial 'E' encloses a scene of two figures in discussion, with one holding a book. Context: Maccabees I...

Christ crowned with thorns (fol. 74v)

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Manuscript

The border is historiated with the scene of three men torturing Christ by pressing the crown of thorns into his head with sticks. The border is furthe...