Flight to Egypt (fol. 60v)
The full-page miniature shows the Virgin Mary, Joseph and the Christ Child on their way to Egypt through a hilly landscape, Mary riding on an ass. The...
The full-page miniature shows the Virgin Mary, Joseph and the Christ Child on their way to Egypt through a hilly landscape, Mary riding on an ass. The...
A woman, holding a wreath, is approached by a man bringing her flowers. The border miniature shows the zodiacal sign for April: Taurus (the bull). C...
The 3-line foliate initial 'O' is inhabited with a young woman in prayer, clad in a blue dress with a gold belt and a white head-dress. Context: Suf...
The full-page miniature depicts the scene of the Last Judgement. Christ is depicted blessing, with sword and lily, inside a mandorla, feet resting on ...
The border shows St. John the Baptist, clad in animal skin and a long pink garment, holding a book a,nd with a lamb, Agnus Dei, inside the 4-line init...
The border and the initial depict the scene of the Virgin Mary, Joseph and the Christ Child on their way to Egypt through a hilly landscape, Mary ridi...
Initial 'I' encloses a scene of St. Jude holding a scroll and preaching. An ornamental initial 'R' is infilled with foliage and a small animal head. ...
Initial 'P' encloses the scene of a nimbed figure (Christ?) talking to a group of listeners. The initial is further decorated with a small grotesque h...
Initial 'E' encloses a scene of two figures in discussion, with one holding a book. Context: Maccabees I...
The border is historiated with the scene of three men torturing Christ by pressing the crown of thorns into his head with sticks. The border is furthe...