St. Anne (fol. 42v)
The miniature depicts St. Anne, enthroned, holding the Virgin Mary,with a crowned halo. The Virgin Mary in turn is holding the Christ Child, with a tr...
The miniature depicts St. Anne, enthroned, holding the Virgin Mary,with a crowned halo. The Virgin Mary in turn is holding the Christ Child, with a tr...
Christ blessing, with the globe at his feet, and two angel by either side of him. Context: Prayers devoted to Christ: O ihesu criste eterna dulcedo...
The Virgin Mary and God are enthroned in heaven amongst a host of prominent saints and martyrs. Context: Breviary offices: All Saints: Corpora sanct...
St Paul is represented as a thin-faced elderly man with a long pointed beard, holding a sword, the instrument of his martyrdom. St Peter is represente...
Christ steps out of his tomb, blessing the two soldiers guarding it, while an angel prays alongside. The town walls of Jerusalem are seen in the lands...
The miniature depicts the three Magi, represented as kings, approaching the Virgin and Child, and offering gold, frankincense and myrrh. The faces of ...
Rinceau border with acanthus leaves, thistles, barbed quatrefoils, red berries, bluebells, a trumpet flower, and black hairline tendrils with gold ivy...
Decoration: 27 large arched miniatures, seven historiated 9-line initials, and several 1-4-line decorated initials and line-fillers throughout. Fine r...
Several initials in gold on blue/red backgrounds with white penwork ornament. Context: History of the world: French history...
The roundel in the middle depicts the capture of John II of France (Jean le Bon) at the Battle of Poitiers in 1356 against the Edward, the Black Princ...