SED Phonological Map: Thursday
Experimental printed phonological map, completed in ms., for SED question VII.4.3, Thursday, mapping responses with an unstressed vowel. The map is la...
Experimental printed phonological map, completed in ms., for SED question VII.4.3, Thursday, mapping responses with an unstressed vowel. The map is la...
Experimental printed phonological map, completed in ms., for SED question IV.6.11, Pockets, mapping responses with an unstressed e. The map was compil...
Experimental printed phonological map of the Northern Counties, completed in ms., for SED question VII.6.12, Ice, mapping the various vowel types foun...
Experimental printed word map for SED question III.3.7, That (relative pronoun), mapping the distribution of the responses As and What, and areas wher...
Experimental printed word map of the Northern Counties, completed in ms., for SED question IV.1.1, Rivulet, mapping responses Beck, Brook, Burn, Dike ...
Experimental printed word map for SED question I.1.7, Dovecote, mapping responses Cove, Pigeon-Cove, Dove-Cot(e), Pigeon-Dove-Cot(e), Dove-House, Pige...
Introductory matters also in English, with added t. p.: Linguistic atlas of Japan....
The natural history of jestbooks, an introduction.--William Caxton: The fables of Alfonce and Poge (1484)--A hundred merry tales (1526)--Howleglas (15...
Words and phrases that answer the questions from the Survey of English Dialect relating to states, actions and relations. The answers of informant S...