Haymaking: Double Horse Mower
Farmer, Mr. John Oswald Hodgson, driving a double horse mower for cutting hay in a field at Shaw Cote ( Wensleydale). Mounted on Photo File card. Card...
Farmer, Mr. John Oswald Hodgson, driving a double horse mower for cutting hay in a field at Shaw Cote ( Wensleydale). Mounted on Photo File card. Card...
Words and phrases that answer the questions from the Survey of English Dialect relating to states, actions and relations. The answers of informant J...
Words and phrases that answer the questions from the Survey of English Dialect relating to animals. The answers of informant Leonard Lee recorded by...
View of Wensleydale looking west from Preston Pasture (possibly towards Penhill). Shows flat-topped plateau-like hills and stepped hill slopes. Mounte...
Farmer, Mr. Fothergill, leading a horse drawing a hay sledge loaded with hay out of the fields, Dent ( Dentdale). A (sheep)dog runs in front. Mounted ...
Stone ladder found at the Vicarage, Danby (North Yorkshire). Originally held in green slide cabinet, reference C88....
Hull, Walter. Correspondence from Walter Hull regarding the position of Research Assistant (1965) for the Survey of English Dialects; and from George ...
[Examinations]. Papers relating to examinations, including class lists; exam marks (Special Studies, School of English); external examiners’ comments ...
Misc. Correspondence between Harold Orton and Dieter Balir; S.G. Balley regarding Joseph Wright’s English Dialect Dictionary (London: Frowde, 1898-190...
"Cassidy American - DARE Cassidy”. Correspondence from William Emerson of the National Endowment for the Humanities (United States) to Harold Orton re...