Wells & Co. trade card (label)
Small 19th century engraved trade card (label) of Wells & Co. pasted onto shiny mount. Manuscript ink note in John Bedford's hand 'small leatherbound ...
Small 19th century engraved trade card (label) of Wells & Co. pasted onto shiny mount. Manuscript ink note in John Bedford's hand 'small leatherbound ...
Highly pictorial 19th century engraved trade card of W. & T. Radclyffe, depicting seated putto holding engravers tools at right of card, encased in or...
19th century watercolour design for floral tapestry fire screen with manuscript ink note 'Tapestry fire screen worked, as I have always heard, by S.A....
Highly pictorial 19th century engraved trade card of Martineau & Smith, with large image depicting men in workshop in ornate hatched frame with floral...
Highly pictorial 18th century engraved trade card (advertisement) of D. Orme [Daniel Orme]. Large image filling card depicting seated female figure in...
Pictorial 19th century engraved trade card of James Robertson, depicting image of shop front. Wares detailed in panels at either side of image, within...
Computer printout photograph of pictorial 19th century engraved trade card of W. Grimerd [William Grimerd] with images of trunks and umbrellas in each...
Pictorial 19th century engraved trade card of John Hosking, depicting stoves, ranges and gates of various designs. Trader details in a variety of type...
Pictorial 19th century engraved trade card of William Meakin on yellow pasteboard, depicting various designs of water closet. Trader details in a vari...
Pictorial late 18th or early 19th century engraved trade card (label) of J. Jenkins. Trader details in a variety of typefaces with manicule pointing r...