Gypsy, Traveller and Roma Collections

Your query returned 158 results. Showing results 51 - 60

"Gipsies at Lee Gap Fair"

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Art

Pencil drawing titled, " Gipsies at Lee Gap Fair." Showing people and dogs around campfire, with the camp of tents and caravans, (vardos) in the ba...

“Raymondo”, Pen and ink drawing

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Art

Sketch of a standing figure, titled, " Raymondo." Signed Jo Jones Legend, second signature and date on back of frame: “Raymondo—Dancer at Sacro ...

Decorative folder for etchings

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Art

Decorative printed folder titled, "Hungarian dances; ungarische Tanze; danses hongroises; balli ungheresi. 10 etchings by Erno Barta." The folder i...

"Hooped van at Brough Hill Fair," Watercolour drawing.

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Art Art

Watercolour of hooped Gypsy Traveller wagon at Brough Hill Fair. Signed, "Fred Lawson." Was mounted, framed and glazed. 18 x 22 cm. 1939....

Untitled. Camp scene.

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Art

Ink drawing of a camp with Gypsy Traveller wagon tent, people sat at a table eating and drinking. Horses in the background. DUR bookplate on the rev...

"Gipsies at Lee Gap Fair 1948"

Type of Record
Archives - ISAD(G)
Object Category
Archive Art

Pencil drawing of two women and man around a campfire. Titled, "Gipsies at Lee Gap Fair, 1948" Signed and dated, "Joseph Appleyard."...