Lawson, (Fred), Etching of Gypsy Traveller wagons
Mounted [pen and ink] etching on Japanese paper of people outside two Gypsy Traveller wagons. Signed "F.Lawson 1912." Originally glazed/framed....
Mounted [pen and ink] etching on Japanese paper of people outside two Gypsy Traveller wagons. Signed "F.Lawson 1912." Originally glazed/framed....
Colour etching of 2 dancers, (male and female). Pencil title, "Érsekcsanád " and signed "Erno Barta"....
Print of pencil drawing by George B Campion. Countrside scene of workers carrying tools, with the word, "Navigator," written in the bottom right-hand ...
Large colour print titled, “Wandemde Zigeuner; Vandor czigany-telep; Bohemiens vagabonds” 20x28 cm. Published by Hermann Geibel, Pesth; unmounted. ...
Pencil portrait, titled, " Gipsy at Lee Gap.1948 "...
Glazed and framed scene of a silhouetted Gypsy/Traveller wagon, fire, setting sun etc. With a stand. On the reverse is a note that reads, "given t...
“The Eternal Gipsy.” Photographic composition: black and white print version. 47 x 39 cm. Undated. With the artist’s monogram, and signature below, in...
Watercolour and pencil drawing of a Gypsy Traveller wagon and camp. Signed, undated....
Fiehl reproduction, (1961) of Dyf Marcel's "Gypsy Boy," (1891) on stretched canvas. Boy seated with guitar. 44x37 cm.,...
Colour lithograph of people around a campfire by Hungarian artist Kunffy. Signed below in pencil. 22 x 29 cm. etc.; 30 x 23 cm. etc. [c. 1920 ?] O...