Outlook course questionnaires...
Outlook course questionnaires...
The Women's Committee Report of the TUC Women's Conference, 1990 and TUC 1996 Women's Conference...
WOMEN into SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (WISE) Communications Strategies Report WISE in Wales WISE in Scotland WISE Outlook Programme...
WOMEN into SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (WISE) Let’s Twist and Jive admin, correspondence case studies and projects - Girls Are Allowed To Do Music Tech...
WOMEN into SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (WISE) Internal Admin – National Advisory Group minutes Strategies Working documents...
WOMEN into SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (WISE) Innovation and Collaborative Grants Scheme (ICGS) – application and peer review matching...
Copies of: - Feminist Review - Bradford Women's Newsletter - Leeds Women's Newsletter - Scarlet Woman - Red Rag Also pamphlets about abortion,...
Sandra McNeill Box 18 Campaign to End Rape Box 1 Campaign to End Rape Box List Box 1 1) Campaign to End Rape: history including photographs of lau...
Sandra McNeill Box 02 Women's Liberation Movement London, 1970s & early 1980s Folder 01: Letters to another feminist 1976 including description of Na...