Anarchist Feminist Magazine
1985: (2) Winter...
1985: (2) Winter...
Lesbian novels and pamphlets donated by Cath Jackson. - Adelman, Marcy (ed) (1986) Lesbian Passages: True stories told by women over 40, Los Angeles:...
Subscription lists, letters, mailing lists, contacts. Closed for data protection and confidentiality reasons until 2060....
Women's listings. 1994: Issue (1) Nov-Dec; 1995: (7) Nov-Dec 1996: (10) May-Jun; (11) July-Aug 1997: (14) Jan-Feb; (15) Mar-Apr; (16) May-Jun...
1987: Box 1 of 2 January - July !987: Feminism, Sexuality and Power Conference. (USA. January 1987) 1987: Women's Skill Sharing Day (Leeds. May 1...
Transsexuality, pornography, anti-semitism, women's liberation movement, gay, sado-masochism, women's health, women's history, lesbianism...
1977: Vol 3 (4) Sep; Vol 3 (5) Nov; Vol 3 (6) Dec 1978: Vol 4 (1) May 1987: Vol 10 (2) Sep/Oct 1990: Vol 13 (2) Sep/Oct 1994: Vol 16 (4) Jan/Feb ...
Press cuttings from the Times, the Guardian, the Observer, the Telegraph, the Morning Star, the Manchester Evening News, the Daily Mail and the Daily ...
Information about employment issues....
Press cuttings from the Times, the Guardian, the Observer, the Telegraph, the Morning Star, the Manchester Evening News, the Daily Mirror, the Daily S...