Arts Yorkshire
in Pavillion collection 1982: May 1983: 2 (6) May...
in Pavillion collection 1982: May 1983: 2 (6) May...
A radical ecopagan magazine. 1980: (7) Oct- 'Cornish' edition 1981: (9) Feb- 'Beltane'...
Monthly paper of the revolutionary Socialist organisation Big Flame. Different cities had different editions- see other entries for Birmingham, Manche...
1981: (1) undated 1982: (2) Jul...
1984: (11) Jun; (12) Nov...
Press cuttings from various sources, including the Times, the Guardian, the Independent, the Telegraph, the Express, the Daily Mail, the Daily Mirror,...
1990: (19) Jun; (20) Jul 1991: (26) Apr; (27) May; (28) Jun...
Red Letters. Communist Party Literature Journal Number 9 (Feminist Special) Number 12 ...