Lesbian Exchange Grapevine
1982: (2) 1983: (3) 1983: (4) 1985: (5)...
1982: (2) 1983: (3) 1983: (4) 1985: (5)...
Donated by Jill Liddington in Novels, history and humour...
1997: Promoting Equality: A common Issue for Men and Women. Seminar (European Parliament June 1997) 1997: Women and Texts: Languages, Technologies a...
ERICCA (Equal Rights in Clubs Campaign for Action) Snooker for Women A Women's Right to Cues - flyers, conferences, song - correspondence incl. t...
1979 Box 2 of 2 (Aug-Dec) 1979: Sex Roles and Politics: International Political Science Association (IPSA), University of Essex (Colchester, Aug 197...
Women of Outstanding Achievement Pull-up banners Prof Carol Robinson Joanna Kennedy Prof Frances Ashcroft (back and front of shelf)...
1976: Vol II (4) Spring; Vol III (1) Summer 1977: Vol III (4) Spring; Vol IV (1) Summer 1975: vol I (4) Spring 1978: vol IV (2) Winter...
WOMEN into SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (WISE) Guides incl. Good Practice Guides Research Briefings Research Reports...
Key texts from the Women's Liberation Movement...
1989: Autumn^ 1992: May; Autumn 1993 Winter* !993/4 Winter* 1994 Autumn* 1995: Spring; Autumn/Winter '95-'96 ^ donated by Barbara M Hughes * ...