Visibly Vera
Donated by Al Garthwaite in Novels, history and humour...
Donated by Al Garthwaite in Novels, history and humour...
WOMEN into SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (WISE) Annual Conferences (incl. admin)...
Internal organisational and administrative material - Questionnaire sent out by WIRES to subscribers to evaluate ‘the role and validity’ of the WIR...
1-3Hardback diaries 2003-2006 (x3) 2.Travels arounds Sazvazou, France (2004) 4. Sketches and Diary from 2005 6. Assorted photographs 7. letters (a...
WOMEN into SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (WISE) A Girl Like You Engineering Equals booklets Derby Day 2008 CD Graphic Novel Project It’s a Girl Thing ...
10 clear envelopes of photographs of people...
Jo Sutton Box 01 (JSu/01) 01 History of Women’s Aid – Documents from Chiswick Women’s Aid 1973/74 02 History of National Women’s Aid Federation NWA...
1972 (1) Oct * 1973: (2) Oct *donated by Angela Neale...
WOMEN into SCIENCE and ENGINEERING (WISE) Let’s Twist and Jive projects incl - Brahm media record Posters Publicity and student photos Research ...