Beth Smith
One card addressed to Harrison from Beth Smith, painter of 'Ah bloody can't ah've gorra Latin Prose'....
One card addressed to Harrison from Beth Smith, painter of 'Ah bloody can't ah've gorra Latin Prose'....
One card addressed to Harrison from Beth Smith, painter of 'Ah bloody can't ah've gorra Latin Prose'....
One card addressed to Harrison from Beth Smith, painter of 'Ah bloody can't ah've gorra Latin Prose'....
One card addressed to Harrison from Beth Smith, painter of 'Ah bloody can't ah've gorra Latin Prose'....
One card addressed to Harrison from Beth Smith, painter of 'Ah bloody can't ah've gorra Latin Prose'....
This file contains 1 watercolour painting and 1 pencil sketch by Adelaide Blackburn, two ballpoint sketches by Julia Blackburn and 1 pencil sketch sig...
This file contains original lithographs by: Alfred Manessier (signed, no. 62 of 200, cover of an exhibition catalogue, Galerie de France, 1952). Ma...