Cookery Collection
Your query returned 9917 results. Showing results 9381 - 9390
Souvenir cookery book
Two unnumbered leaves for 'Extra suggestions' are between pp. 238 and 239....
The art of cookery made plain and easy : which far exceeds any thing of the kind yet published... To which are added, by way of appendix, one hundred and fifty new and useful receipts, and a copious index
Pp. 382-3 numbered 372-3. By Hannah Glasse. Includes index....
Bap. Platinae Cremonensis De honesta voluptate. De ratione victus, & modo viuendi. De natura rerum & arte coquendi libri X
Third part of the collection of Platina's works edited by J. Thierry, the Minim. Cf. the colophon, Thierry's letter (leaf [ic]) and Bib. nat. Cat. gén...
The WI book of bread and buns
Includes index....
Cooking with vegetables : original recipes
Originally published: London : Cape, 1980. Includes index....
'Good housekeeping' chocolates, sweets and toffees
Includes index. 'Published in association with Tate & Lyle Refineries, Limited' -- t.p....
The 'Which?' good drink guide
bibl p. 96....
Passione : the Italian cookbook
Includes index....