Arabella Boxer's garden cookbook IRN 370317 Type of Record Archives - Book Object Category Archive Print Includes index....
The Jane Austen cookbook IRN 370205 Type of Record Archives - Book Object Category Archive Print Includes bibliographical references (p. 127) and index....
Handbook for the breakfast table : varied and economical dishes IRN 359114 Type of Record Archives - Book Object Category Archive Print
La table et le repas à travers les sièeles : histoire de l'alimentation, du mobilier à l'usage des repas du cérémonial et des divertissemens de table chez les peuples anciens et les français. Précédée d'une étude sur les mœurs gastronomiques primitives et sur le rôle du repas dans la civilasation IRN 251228 Type of Record Archives - Book Object Category Archive Print
Modern high class cookery recipes IRN 262187 Type of Record Archives - Book Object Category Archive Print Anon....
A sermon, upon the word malt. Preached in the stump of a hollow tree IRN 261777 Type of Record Archives - Book Object Category Archive Print
Lady Castlehill's receipt book : a selection of 18th century Scottish fare: original recipes from a collection made in 1712 IRN 255692 Type of Record Archives - Book Object Category Archive Print
Frigidaire recipes : prepared especially for Frigidaire automatic refrigerators equipped with the Frigidaire "cold control" IRN 255087 Type of Record Archives - Book Object Category Archive Print Includes index....
The Bible cookbook IRN 358020 Type of Record Archives - Book Object Category Archive Print Includes index....