Cookery Collection
Your query returned 9917 results. Showing results 8831 - 8840
The art of cookery made plain and easy : which far exceeds any thing of the kind yet published... To which are added, by way of appendix, one hundred and fifty new and useful receipts, and a copious index
Pp. 382-3 numbered 372-3. By Hannah Glasse. Includes index....
Caelii Apitii, summi adulatricis medicinae artificis, De re culinaria libri decem. B. Platinae Cremonensis De tuenda ualetudine, Natura rerum, & Popinæ scientia libri X. Pauli Æginetæ De facultatibus alimentorum tractatus
The first work was probably written in the 3d century, by one Caelius, and published under title: Apicius De re coquinaria. Baudrier, H.L. Bib. lyon...
Women's Institutes tea time treats
Reprinted by the West Yorkshire Federation of Women's Institutes....
Good cookery
"First published 1920, first published in this edition 1933, revised edition 1936, further revised 1938."--T.p. verso....
The art of carving
"100 copies printed for private circulation 1931. First published 1932."--T.p. verso. Excerpted from a work entitled The honours of the table (1788)...
Cooking with kids
Includes index....
Guide to good food shops
First published 1979 by Macmillan London Limited, London and Basingstoke....