The queen-like closet, or rich cabinet : stored with all manner of rare receipts for preserving, candying and cookery, very pleasant and beneficial to all ingenious persons of the female sex
The second part (p. [157]-344) has special title-page....
The second part (p. [157]-344) has special title-page....
Imprint varies. 1951/2-'61/2 issued by the Good Food Club. 1963/4- issued by the Good Food Club and Consumer's Association....
At head of title: Ministry of Food. 1953- issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food....
Rédigé par l'auteur de l'Almanach des gourmands [i.e. Grimod de la Reynière]....
7 pts: Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Portugal, Scandanavia, Greece Issued as supplements to the Observer colour supplement, 28 March - 30 May 198...
Colour magazine No.9, May 2nd 1981 Includes "A taste of old Yorkshire" by Anthea Linacre Imprint varies....
Also issued as part 3 of "The Queen's closet opened". By W.M....